
Get Ready for Renovation

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Hiring a Contractor

Discovering the best professional to bring your vision to life.

Your cabinet dealer my offer full service – design to installation – and a list of preferred installers. Or you may need to rely on referrals and hire your own installation team. Whatever your path, trust your decision.

Here are some guidelines for finding the right partner.



Be sure to hire a pro who is easy to talk to and is responsive when you’re trying to connect by phone, text, or email. Your partner should understand your overall vision and have the experience to deliver expected results.



Communicate your budget and be open to suggestions about how to best achieve your vision with the money you have reserved.

Our budget calculator will help you prepare.

Price and Quality


Meet in the middle of low and high bids, and accept referrals from people you trust. Invite your installation partner to your space and measure how you interact with one another. Some questions to ask:

  • Permits - are they needed and who will get them?

  • Are they licensed, bonded and insured?

  • Project quotes and rationale behind them?

  • Current project load - can you visit a jobsite they are working on?

  • Scheduling- do your timelines align?

Payment Negotiation


Understand the expectation – time and materials, fixed fee, or bid? Make sure you’re on the same page for billing and payment so that all expectations are met.